I never did measure up to my potential.
Adults always made sure to tell me so.
Why would I want to? I never understood.
Everything was always about the future.
Well the future is here and now,
And the adults were right to warn me.
But I can't help but think:
Learning how to be happy in the moment seems
Like a valuable skill for me to have learned,
More important than citing references properly,
And more relevant than calculus.
I'm still young, and yet it's already nearly over.
Fates are sealed so early.
There are people who follow their dreams.
I know, I've met some of them.
But dreams are impractical.
Once I accomplish lots of things, maybe I'll have time for dreams.
But without dreams, who gives a shit
About accomplishing anything?
It's another Catch-22.
Oh well, no time for that: it's time for work.
Those dreams will one day become another stack of drawings
Gathering dust in the closet.
Those dreams will be something to remind me about my limitless potential
That I'm still not measuring up to.
Sorry, “to which I'm still not measuring up”,
Not that anybody under thirty knows the difference.
A good job that was, taking AP English:
Learning how not to end a sentence with a preposition.
That's been tremendously useful knowledge.
Many people I know can barely read, much less identify a preposition.
But the people who can read are generally intolerable.
Don't get me wrong, I hang out with the illiterates for a reason.
I made my choice; I guess I shouldn't complain.
But to be fair, I think my options were a bit limited.
The fool asks:
What is my place in this world?
There must be something I have to offer,
Some balance I can achieve.
I've no more patience for this life.
I get up in the morning because
It's better than getting fired
From a job I hate.
This is not good enough.