Saturday, October 8, 2011

Domestic Violence

The Texas summer is an abusive partner
Wherever I go, it's
Screaming at me, belittling me
Making sure I stay small and powerless

And I can't leave
A hundred miles makes no difference
Even two or three hundred miles away
It's still there, beating me down

Everyone wants to know,
Why can't I see it's a beautiful sunny day today?
It's because I can't see anything
It's too god damn bright to see anything

In the winter, we have coats
To protect us from the cold
But in the summer I have only sunglasses

So I cry, I sleep, and I drink
I avoid being conscious
It's just too much to handle

The woman I love, she doesn't understand
It's not enough for her to just enjoy summer
And I'm glad she does, but
She makes me feel bad if I don't

Soon though, relief will come
Abject misery will transform into ecstatic joy
Let's go outside! I couldn't be happier
And all you assholes who gave me shit all summer

You suddenly disappear, saying
"It's too cold - it's freezing!" But
This is Texas, and you have no perspective
There's no such thing as cold in Texas

Despite my best efforts not to be,
I'm sure I was a negative Nancy
All summer long, and you made sure
To make me feel bad about it

But now, where are you?
Huddled indoors against
The biting fifty degree cool breeze
Who's the negative Nancy now?

Oh, that's right - it's still me
Because I'm in the minority
And in a system of majority rule
The minority is always wrong

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